Yame Dento-Hon-Gyokuro | Green Tea Leaves

Yame Dento-Hon-Gyokuro | Green Tea Leaves

Yamecha is a tea produced in a prefecture of Japan located in Kyushu. Yamecha Gyokuro is highly valued, and this region is one of the first regions to make tea. This area is suitable for growing tea because the climate is hot during the day and extremely cold during the night. Yamecha is grown in about 1560 acres of land, and thus 90% of Yame is located in the region of Yame-shi. This tea is made from an unusual cultivator, which helps in producing flavorsome and sweetness. Our Yame Gyokuro is from the initial flush season, which has been steamed, and this it is a little bit more roasted than the usual Yame available in the market. 

Growth Process:

The growing process of Yame green tea leaves is slightly different from other tea leaves. These tea leaves undergo a unique method of growing in which the tea plants are shaded two weeks before starting the harvesting process. This process usually occurs in May. Shades made out of bamboo are traditionally used to shade these green tea leaves. These shades help protect the plant from the sun's rays, and thus 90% of it remains free from sun rays. Due to this shading, there is an increase in the number of amino acids in the tea because photosynthesis slows down. This results in creating a much sweeter tea with a bolder character that is rich in flavor. 

Yame Gyokuro is made from an unusual Asatsuyu cultivator, which is rare compared to other cultivators usually used in these processes. But, this Asatsuyu cultivator helps in providing a flavorsome which is unique.


Our Yame Gyakuro has dull green leaves with a rich, grassy and rich aroma. The liquor produced is opaque and has a fresh green quality taste. The bitterness which you usually get from fresh green vegetables will also be present in our product. The flavors continue on a smooth note. After the brewing process, which is mainly done in Japanese style, there is an herbaceous liquid that is smooth in a way. 

Yame Dento-Hon-Gyokuro Green Tea Leaves

Health Effects:

The main reason people from Japan love and brew this Yame Gyakuro is its health effects which are much better than other green tea leaves.

Mental Alertness:

Yame Gyakuro has a high amount of caffeine which helps in our mental alertness throughout the day. This caffeine is much better than the caffeine present in coffee because it is released in small quantities. Thus, we can enjoy this state of mental alertness for a long time.

Healthy Heart:

Green tea can help prevent the ingestion of LDL. This results in lowering the risk of high blood pressure and thus improves our heart in its functions.

Clear Skin:

Vitamin C, one of green tea's significant constituents, can help glow our skin and prevent acne. Wrinkles can also be avoided with the help of vitamin C present in this tea.

Fat Burning:

Green tea contains an antioxidant ECGG which can help make our metabolism much faster thus it can support the body in burning calories.


Yame Gyokuro is unique in every regard: Its beautiful appearance, deep, complex flavor, and distinctive aroma are the product of the finest craftsmanship. You can buy it by clicking this link.


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